• Low Risk
  • Recommended investment term 6 months and longer
I want to invest
The fund has a pronounced conservative investment structure and low levels of risk.

The OTP start-up fund is a short-term bond fund (UCITS fund) that invests mostly in Croatia kuna denominated government bonds, and then in money market instruments and deposits whose average maturity is less than 3 years.

Denomination of the fund is in Euro (EUR).

For whom the fund is intended for?

  • The fund is intended for investors who are willing to take less risk and achieve a slightly higher return than in the money market by investing in assets that are low volatile.
  • The recommended investment period in this fund is six months, which means that it is suitable for investors who cannot plan long-term savings.
  • Technical characteristics
  • Chart
  • Fund documents
  • Tabular unit prices display

Technical characteristics

Currency of denomination: EUR
First payment to the Fund: minimum EUR 130 (hundered and thirty euros)
Next payments: minimum EUR 13 (thirten eurosone hundred kunas) provided that the investor has a minimum investment of EUR 130
Commencement of the Fund: 27.12.2005.
Management fee (annually): 1,00% of the total assets of the Fund
Entry fee: free of charge
Exit fee: free of charge
Deposit bank: OTP banka d.d.
Deposit bank fee (annually): 0,09% of the total assets of the Fund 

The day of payment is considered to be the working day of receipt of the investor's funds on the Fund's account, for receipts received up to and including 16:00. For receipts received after 16:00, the day of payment is considered to be the next working day.


Tabular unit prices display

You can invest in OTP Invest funds on following ways

Please select one of the following options:
In one of the OTP bank branches Select
Through ELEMENT@ Internet banking for citizens Select
On your own Select
Through ELEMENT@ Internet banking for legal entities Select

Contact us

We are here for all your questions and additional information. Contact us: